NIST Temperature Scale Database (SRD 60), Version 3.0

ITS-90 References for Temperature Points:

Element: Fe
Year Reference Data with Ref.
1996 Bedford, RE; Bonnier, G; Maas, H; Pavese, F, Recommended values of temperature on the International Temperature Scale of 1990 for a selected set of secondary reference points, Metrologia, 33 (1996) 133-154. (DOI:) manage_search
1974 Cezairliyan A., McClure J. L., Thermophysical Measurements on Iron Above 1500 K Using a Transient (Subsecond) Technique, J. Res. Natl. Bur. Stand., 1974, 78A, 1-4. (DOI:) manage_search
1954 Oriani R. A., Jones T. S., An Apparatus for the Determination of the Solidus Temperatures of High-Melting Alloys, Rev. Sci. Instrum., 1954, 25, 248-250. (DOI:) manage_search
1953 Schofeld T. H., Bacon A. E., The Melting Point of Titanium, J. Inst. Metals, 1953-54, 82, 167-169. (No DOI) manage_search
1941 Roeser W. F., Wensel H. T., Freezing Temperatures of High-Purity Iron and of Some Steels, J. Res. Natl. Bur. Stand., 1941, 26, 273-287. (DOI:) manage_search
1939 Bristow C. A., The Constitutional Diagram of the Alloys of Iron and Nickel. Part 1 - The Delta Region, Iron and Steel Institute Special Report 24, 1939, 1-8. (No DOI) manage_search
1937 Adcock F., An Investigation of the Iron-Carbon Constitutional Diagram. Part 1 - Preliminary Survey of the D Region, J. Iron and Steel Institute, 1937, 135, 281-292. (No DOI) manage_search