NIST Temperature Scale Database (SRD 60), Version 3.0



[1] ASTM, American Society for Testing and Materials, Standard E230-98, 1999 Annual Book of ASTM Standards . Vol. 14.03; Philadelphia: ASTM; 1994. 109-284.

[2] Revision of IEC 60 584-1: Thermocouples - Part 1: Reference tables. IEC; 1995, 155 p.

[3] Burns, G. W.; Scroger, M. G.; Strouse, G. F.; Croarkin, M. C.; Guthrie, W. F. Temperature-Electromotive Force Reference Functions and Tables for the Letter-Designated Thermocouple Types Based on the ITS-90. Natl. Inst. Stand. Technol.; 1993. 630 p. DOI:

[4] Preston-Thomas, H. The International Temperature Scale of 1990 (ITS90). Metrologia 27, 3-10; 1990. ibid. p. 107. DOI:

[5] Belecki, N. B.; Dziuba, R. F.; Field, B. F.; Taylor, B. N. Guidelines for implementing the new representations of the volt and ohm effective January 1, 1990. Natl. Inst. Stand. Technol. Tech. Note 1263; 1989 June. 72 p. DOI:

[6] Powell, R. L.; Hall, W. J.; Hyink, C. H., Jr.; Sparks, L. L.; Burns, G. W.; Scroger, M. G.; Plumb, H. H. Thermocouple reference tables based on the IPTS-68. Natl. Bur. Stand. (U.S.) Monograph 125; 1974 March. 410 p. DOI:

[7] Burley, N. A.; Powell, R. L.; Burns, G. W.; Scroger, M. G. The nicrosil versus nisil thermocouple: properties and thermoelectric reference data. Natl. Bur. Stand. (U.S.) Monograph 161; 1978 April. 167 p. DOI:

[8] Preston-Thomas, H., "The International Practical Temperature Scale of 1968. Amended Editoin of 1975," Metrologia 12, 7-17 (1976). DOI:

[9] Rusby, R. L.; Hudson, R. P.; Durieux, M. Revised Values for (t90 - t68) from 630 °C to 1064 °C. Metrologia 31; 149 - 153, 1994. DOI:

[10] Burns, G. W.; Strouse, G. F.; Mangum, B. W.; Croarkin, M. C.; Guthrie, W. F.; Marcarino, P.; Battuello, M.; Lee, H. K.; Kim, J. C.; Gam, K. S.; Rhee, C.; Chattle, M.; Arai, M.; Sakurai, H.; Pokhodun, A. I.; Moiseeva, N. P.; Perevalova, S. A.; de Groot, M. J.; Zhang, J.; Fan, K.; Wu, S. New reference function for platinum-10% rhodium versus platinum (type S) thermocouples based on the ITS-90, Part I and Part II. Temperature: Its Measurement and Control in Science and Industry; Vol. 6; Schooley, J. F., ed.; New York: American Institute of Physics; 1992. 537-546.

[11] Burns, G. W.; Strouse, G. F.; Mangum, B. W.; Croarkin, M. C.; Guthrie, W. F.; Chattle, M. New reference functions for platinum-13% rhodium versus platinum (type R) and platinum-30% rhodium versus platinum-6% rhodium (type B) thermocouples based on the ITS-90. Temperature: Its Measurement and Control in Science and Industry; Vol. 6; Schooley, J. F., ed.; New York: American Institute of Physics; 1992. 559-564.

[12] Guthrie, W. F.; Croarkin, M. C.; Burns, G. W.; Strouse, G. F.; Marcarino, P.; Battuello, M.; Lee, H. K.; Kim, J. C.; Gam, K. S.; Rhee, C.; Chattle, M.; Arai, M.; Sakurai, H.; Pokhodun, A. I.; Moiseeva, N. P.; Perevalova, S. A.; de Groot, M. J.; Zhang, J.; Fan, K.; Wu, S. Statistical analysis of type S thermocouple measurements on the International Temperature Scale of 1990. Temperature: Its Measurement and Control in Science and Industry; Vol. 6; Schooley, J. F., ed.; New York: American Institute of Physics; 1992. 547-552.

[13] American National Standard: Temperature measurement thermocouples, C96.1; Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: Instrument Society of America; 1964.

[14] Mangum, B. W.; Furukawa, G. T., Guidelines for realizing the International Temperature Scale of 1990 (ITS-90). NIST Tech. Note 1265, 1990. DOI:

[15] BIPM, The 1976 Provisional 0.5 to 30 K Temperature Scale. Metrologia 15, 65-68 (1979). DOI:

[16] Mangum, B. W. Special report on the International Temperature Scale of 1990; Report on the 17th session of the Consultative Committee on Thermometry. J. Res. Natl. Inst. Stand. Technol. 95; 1990. 69-77. DOI: