NIST Temperature Scale Database (SRD 60), Version 3.0

ITS-90 References for Temperature Points:

Element: In
Year Reference Data with Ref.
2019 R. M. Gavioso, D. Madonna Ripa, P. P. M. Steur, R. Dematteis, and D. Imbraguglio, Determination of the thermodynamic temperature between 236 K and 430 K from speed of sound measurements in helium, Metrologia 56, 045006 (2019). (DOI:) manage_search
2003 G.F. Strouse, D.R. Defibaugh, M.R. Moldover, D.C. Ripple, in Temperature: Its Measurement and Control in Science and Industry (TMCSI) Vol 7, ed. by D.C. Ripple (AIP, Melville, New York, 2003), pp. 31-36 (No DOI) manage_search
1996 Bedford, RE; Bonnier, G; Maas, H; Pavese, F, Recommended values of temperature on the International Temperature Scale of 1990 for a selected set of secondary reference points, Metrologia, 33 (1996) 133-154. (DOI:) manage_search
1996 Lipinski L., Manuszkiewicz H., Szmyrka-Grzebyk A., Reproducibility of Superconducting Transition Temperature of Encapsulated Samples of Indium Used as a Temperature Fixed Point, Cryogenics, 1993, 33, 995-998. (DOI:) manage_search
1992 Fellmuth B., Temperature Fixed-Points using High-purity Superconductors, in Temperature, Its Measurement and Control in Science and Industry (TMCSI), 1992, 6, 233-238. (No DOI) manage_search
1992 Li Zhiran, Xia Yongjian, Huang Shuangkai, The Study of Superconductive Transition Temperatures for Thermometric Fixed Points, in Temperature, Its Measurement and Control in Science and Industry (TMCSI), 1992, 6, 239-242. (No DOI) manage_search
1991 H. K. Lee, K. S. Gam, C. Rhee, Realization of the indium freezing point, Metrologia 28 (1991) 413-417. (DOI:) manage_search
1990 H. Preston-Thomas, The International Temperature Scale of 1990 (ITS-90), Metrologia 27 (1990) 3 (DOI:) manage_search
1989 Mangum B. W., Determination of the Indium Freezing point and Triple-point Temperatures, Metrologia, 1989, 26, 211-217. (DOI:) manage_search
1985 Ancsin J., Melting Curves and Heat of Fusion of Indium, Metrologia, 1985, 21, 7-9. (DOI:) manage_search