NIST Temperature Scale Database (SRD 60), Version 3.0

ITS-90 References for Temperature Points:

Element: Ne
Year Reference Data with Ref.
2023 Jens Tamson, Steffen Grohmann, Measurement of vapor pressure of neon from 25 K to 44 K, Fluid Phase Equilibria 565, 113621 (2023). (DOI:) manage_search
2021 C. Gaiser and B. Fellmuth, Primary thermometry at 4 K, 14 K, and 25 K applying dielectric-constant gas thermometry, Metrologia 58, 042101 (2021). (DOI:) manage_search
2021 C. Pan, F. Sparasci, H. Zhang, P. Gambette, M. Plimmer, D. Imbraguglio, R. M. Gavioso, M. R. Moldover, B. Gao, and L. Pitre, Acoustic measurement of the triple point of neon TNe and thermodynamic (DOI:) manage_search
2018 Lemmon, E.W., Bell, I.H., Huber, M.L., McLinden, M.O. NIST Standard Reference Database 23: Reference Fluid Thermodynamic and Transport Properties-REFPROP, Version 10.0, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Standard Reference Data Program, Gaithersburg, 2018. (No DOI) manage_search
2017 Henning F., Wensel H. T., The Freezing Point of Iridium, J. Res. Natl. Bur. Stand., 1933, 10, 809-821. (DOI:) manage_search
2015 Steur, PPM; Nakano, T; Giraudi, D; Pavese, F, In sequence realization of the triple points of both Ne-20 and Ne-22 in a multicell, Metrologia, 52 (2015) L9-L14. (DOI:) manage_search
2015 Steur, PPM; Pavese, F; Fellmuth, B; Hermier, Y; Hill, KD; Kim, JS; Lipinski, L; Nagao, K; Nakano, T; Peruzzi, A; Sparasci, F; Szmyrka-Grzebyk, A; Tamura, O; Tew, WL; Valkiers, S; van Geel, J, Isotopic effects in the neon fixed point: uncertainty of the calibration data correction, Metrologia, 52 (2015) 104. (DOI:) manage_search
2015 Yang, I; Gam, KS; Joung, W; Kim, YG, Triple-Point Temperature and the Isotopic Composition of Three Commercial Neon Gases, Int. J. Thermophys., 36 (2015) 2072-2084. (DOI:) manage_search
2014 Nakano, T; Steur, PPM; Pavese, F, Effect of the temperature scale on the difference between the triple point temperatures of pure Ne-22 and Ne-20, J. Chem. Thermo., 75 (2014) 33-34. (DOI:) manage_search
2014 Nakano, T; Tamura, O; Steur, PPM; Pavese, F, Study on the Difference Between the Triple-Point Temperatures of Ne-20 and Ne-22 Using Sealed Cells, Int. J. Thermophys., 35 (2014) 1032-1043. (DOI:) manage_search
2013 Nakano, T; Tamura, O; Nagao, K, Comparison of the Triple-Point Temperatures of Ne-20, Ne-22 and Normal Ne, in Temperature, Its Measurement and Control in Science and Industry (TMCSI) Vol. 8, 1552 (2013) 180-185. (DOI:) manage_search
2013 Pavese, F; Steur, PPM; Giraudi, D, Triple Point Temperature of Neon Isotopes: Dependence on Nitrogen Impurity and Sealed-Cell Model, in Temperature, Its Measurement and Control in Science and Industry (TMCSI) Vol. 8, 1552 (2013) 186-191. (DOI:) manage_search
2013 Pavese, F; Steur, PPM; Hermier, Y; Hill, KD; Kim, JS; Lipinski, L; Nagao, K; Nakano, T; Peruzzi, A; Sparasci, F; Szmyrka-Grzebyk, A; Tamura, O; Tew, WL; Valkiers, S; van Geel, J, Dependence of the Triple Point Temperature of Neon on Isotopic Composition and its Implications for the ITS-90, in Temperature, Its Measurement and Control in Science and Industry (TMCSI) Vol. 8, 1552 (2013) 192-197. (DOI:) manage_search
2013 Steur, PPM; Kim, JS; Giraudi, D; Pavese, F, Experimental verification of ideality of Ne-22 in Ne-20 mixtures at the triple point by means of certified artificial mixtures, J. Chem. Thermo., 60 (2013) 87-93. (DOI:) manage_search
2012 Fellmuth, B; Wolber, L; Head, DI; Hermier, Y; Hill, KD; Nakano, T; Pavese, F; Peruzzi, A; Rusby, RL; Shkraba, V; Steele, AG; Steur, PPM; Szmyrka-Grzebyk, A; Tew, WL; Wang, L; White, DR, Investigation of low-temperature fixed points by an international star intercomparison of sealed triple-point cells, Metrologia, 49 (2012) 257-265. (DOI:) manage_search
2011 Hill, KD; Fahr, M, Triple-Point Temperatures of Ne-20 and Ne-22, Int. J. Thermophys., 32 (2011) 173-188. (DOI:) manage_search
2011 Nakano, T; Tamura, O; Sakurai, H, Comparison at NMIJ/AIST of the Triple Point of Neon Using Different Sealed Cells, Int. J. Thermophys., 32 (2011) 1581-1588. (DOI:) manage_search
2011 Pavese, F; Steur, PPM; Kim, JS; Giraudi, D, Further results on the triple point temperature of pure Ne-20 and Ne-22, J. Chem. Thermo., 43 (2011) 1977-1983. (DOI:) manage_search
2010 Pavese, F; Fahr, M; Hermier, Y; Hill, KD; Lipinski, L; Nakano, T; Peruzzi, A; Sakurai, H; Sparasci, F; Steur, PPM; Szmyrka-Grzebyk, A; Tamura, O; Tew, WL; Valkiers, S; van Geel, J, Further Progress Toward the Determination of T (tp)-x(Ne-22), Int. J. Thermophys., 31 (2010) 1633-1643. (DOI:) manage_search
2010 Pavese, F; Steur, PPM; Bancone, N; Ferri, D; Giraudi, D, Comparison with U approximate to 50 mu K of neon samples of different isotopic compositions, Metrologia, 47 (2010) 499-517. (DOI:) manage_search
2010 Pavese, F; Valkiers, S; Steur, PPM; Ferri, D; Giraudi, D, An accurate determination of the triple point temperature of pure Ne-20 and Ne-22, J. Chem. Thermo., 42 (2010) 1222-1229. (DOI:) manage_search
2009 Pavese, F, Critical review of information relevant to the correction of the effect of chemical impurities in gases used for the realization of ITS-90 fixed points, Metrologia, 46 (2009) 47-61. (DOI:) manage_search
2008 Pavese, F; Fellmuth, B; Hill, KD; Head, D; Hermier, Y; Lipinski, L; Nakano, T; Peruzzi, A; Sakurai, H; Szmyrka-Grzebyk, A; Steele, AG; Steur, PPM; Tamura, O; Tew, WL; Valkiers, S; Wolber, L, Progress towards the determination of the relationship of triple-point temperature versus isotopic composition of neon, Int. J. Thermophys., 29 (2008) 57-66. (DOI:) manage_search
2008 Tamura, O; Takasu, S; Nakano, T; Sakurai, H, NMIJ constant-volume gas thermometer for realization of the ITS-90 and thermodynamic temperature measurement, Inter. J. Thermo. Phys. 29 (2008) 31-41. (DOI:) manage_search
2006 Rusby, R. L., D. Head, C. Meyer, W. Tew, O. Tamura, K. D. Hill, M. de Groot, A. Storm, A. Peruzzi, and B. Fellmuth, Final Report on CCT-K1: Realizations of the ITS-90, 0.65 K to 24.5561 K, using rhodium iron resistance thermometers, Metrologia 43, ssue 1A, 03002 (2006). (DOI:) manage_search
2005 Pavese, F, On problems in the definition of the International Temperature Scale arising from the variability of the isotopic composition of some substances used for the fixed-points, Metrologia, 42 (2005) 194-200. (DOI:) manage_search
2005 Pavese, F; Fellmuth, B; Head, DI; Hermier, Y; Hill, KD; Valkiers, S, Evidence of a systematic deviation of the isotopic composition of neon from commercial sources compared with its isotopic composition in air, Anal. Chem., 77 (2005) 5076-5080. (DOI:) manage_search
1996 Bedford, RE; Bonnier, G; Maas, H; Pavese, F, Recommended values of temperature on the International Temperature Scale of 1990 for a selected set of secondary reference points, Metrologia, 33 (1996) 133-154. (DOI:) manage_search
1990 H. Preston-Thomas, The International Temperature Scale of 1990 (ITS-90), Metrologia 27 (1990) 3 (DOI:) manage_search
1986 Kemp R. C., Sakurai H., A Determination of the Thermodynamic Temperature of the Triple Point of Neon, Metrologia, 1986, 23, 33-36 (DOI:) manage_search
1981 Kemp R. C., Kemp W. R. G., The Triple Point of Ne-20, Metrologia, 1981, 17, 67-68. (DOI:) manage_search
1978 J. Ancsin, Note Concerning the Suitability of Xenon as Temperature Fixed Point, Metrologia 14, 45-46 (1978). (DOI:) manage_search
1978 J. Ancsin, Vapour pressures and triple point of neon and the influence of impurities on these propertes, Metrologia 14, (1978) 1 (DOI:) manage_search
1978 KEMP, RC; KEMP, WRG, The Realization of the Normal Boiling Point of Neon, Metrologia, 14 (1978) 9-13. (DOI:) manage_search
1976 Preston-Thomas H., The International Practical Temperature Scale of 1968, Amended Edition of 1975, Metrologia, 1976, 12, 7-17. (DOI:) manage_search
1972 Furukawa G. T., Vapor Pressures of Natural Neon and of the Isotopes 20Ne and 22 Ne from the Triple Point to the Normal Boiling Point, Metrologia, 8 (1972) 11. (DOI:) manage_search
1970 G. T. Furukawa, W. G. Saba, D. M. Sweger, H. H. Plumb, Normal boiling point and triple point temperatures of Neon, Metrologia 6 (1970) 35 (DOI:) manage_search