NIST Temperature Scale Database (SRD 60), Version 3.0

ITS-90 References for Temperature Points:

Element: Ta
Year Reference Data with Ref.
1996 Bedford, RE; Bonnier, G; Maas, H; Pavese, F, Recommended values of temperature on the International Temperature Scale of 1990 for a selected set of secondary reference points, Metrologia, 33 (1996) 133-154. (DOI:) manage_search
1989 Hiernaut J. P., Sakuma F., Ronchi C., Determination of the Melting Point and the Emissivity of Refractory Metals with a Six-wavelength Pyrometer, High Temp High Press., 1989, 21, 139-148. (No DOI) manage_search
1986 Hiernaut J. P., Beukers R., Hoch M., Matsui T., Ohse R. W., Determination of the Melting Point and of the Spectral and Total Emissivities of Tungsten, Tantalum, and Molybdenum in the Solid and Liquid States with a Six-wavelength Pyrometer, High Temp High Press., 1986, 18, 627-633. (No DOI) manage_search
1985 Arpaci E., Betz G., Frohberg M. G., Determination of the Spectral Emissivities of Niobium, Molybdenum, Tantalum, and Tungsten at their Melting Points, High Temp. High Press., 1985, 17, 519-522. (No DOI) manage_search